Announced time travel -type puzzle game GOST OF TIME. The partner cooperating is the past self, the life of the life entrusted

Indie Belopper IZHARD announced on July 17 the top-down puzzle game Gost of Time . The compatible platform is PC (Steam). The game sales site also has a free demo version.

Gost of Time is a top-down puzzle game that contains time travel elements. When the protagonist wakes up from the clone device, he will be ordered to collect the capsule from an old man who claims to be the future hero. The player operates the main character cl1. After recovering the capsules that exist on each stage, we will aim for the goal points.

In this work, all the actions in the player's stage are recorded. And the recorded actions are reflected in the next play. For example, the impact of the pressure-sensitive switch for opening the door and the items placed on the stage remain. If a clone dies in some way, the time will be rewind to the start of the level, and the next clone will appear. With the benefits of the past, the current and future clones will be captured to capture puzzles.

There are various people who die of clones. Creative death, such as self-determination, feeding the enemy, or putting his own corpse on a trap. His death and even the corpse seem to be key items. Therefore, it seems that the future clones can be played like connecting the baton of life so that they can overcome their own corpses.

GOST OF TIME is an international developer team with creators from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, and the United States. In the past, the game OVIVO produced by the studio has achieved a grand prize in the game division of the IT contest IT contest sponsored by Microsoft.

Gost of Time will be released this year for PC (Steam). If you are worried, why not play the demo version being distributed on ITCH.IO?
