How to become a professional football player in Bitlife

The main topic of Bit life is to simulate and play any main career from your choice. On this note, one of the most popular lives that people want to repeat is to become a professional football player. To do this, you must start playing football from a young age and observe a strict training mode.


Before you engage in football or join any club, choose a character with a special feature/talent in sports when creating life. Otherwise, throw it until you find such a character, or configure such a life using the regime of God if you have DLC.

Having created your character, keep your physical shape and vigor from a young age, visiting the gym, walking and eating healthy foods, as soon as the functions are available to the body section on the Activity tab. Repeat all three prescribed actions as an annual ritual until you become a professional player.

Now, as soon as you go to high school, give samples to the football club through the extracurricular section on the Action tab and remain part of it until you reach high school. Make additional efforts, using it is more diligent, the ability to improve every year as a player in the junior division. Having entered a high school, re-apply for a football team and repeat the same procedure that you used in elementary grades. In addition, try to become the captain of your school team, repeatedly using the work more zealous option, as this will play an important role in your journey to become a professional player.

After graduating from high school, you must begin to receive offers from various clubs. Take everything that meets in your way. If not, request a trial version in any middle-level club in any league. Check the league standings to determine the worst commands in the table. Contact them and hope for the best. Over time and efforts, you will be chosen in a particular professional team, and you will realize your dream of a professional player.

To learn more about Bit life, read the section How to perform World Bit cup Challenge in Bit life or how to raise your athleticism in Bit life in professional game guidelines.
