The PS Store has been updated by the Final Fantasy XVI page on the eve of State of Play

The Almost two years have passed since the Fantasy XVI announcement, but the Square Enix developer has not yet presented the date or even the release of the next main game of the popular franchise. However, fans should definitely wait for new details in the near future, and it seems that they can appear very soon.

Pyo Twitter user found the Final Fantasy XVI page update in the PlayStation Store store. It would be possible not to pay attention to this, if not for the time-this happened just the day before the start of the game presentation of State of Play.

Such an update can serve as a good hint that Square Enix can show the new FF XVI trailer on the upcoming event and finally announce the release date.

The State of Play broadcast will take place on the night of June 2 to 3 at 01:00 Moscow time. The presentation will last 30 minutes and focuses mainly on the games for the new PSVR2 VR team and projects from PlayStation partner studios, whom Square Enix is.
