SWTOR: Legacy of the Sith cries criticism shortly after release

The new SWTOR enlargement Legacy of the Sith criticizes only a few days after the release in the network. The players leave in comment columns of Reddit and Co. their frustration of free run and demand from Bioware that developers even undo numerous updates. In addition to the short story, which ends after a few hours, the revised interface in the community of Star Wars: The Old Republic is not good. The numerous bugs, lags and the strong FPS drops come on top of them. The first conclusion of the players is accordingly crashing. The community has hoped for more expansion, finally the developers have shifted the release by a few months.

Bugs and lags are annoying, no question. However, these childhood diseases are usually the problems of the first hour. I stop only a few games that were allowed to celebrate a smooth release in recent years. But what about the other criticism? Were the gameplay adjustments and the new interface unnecessary? And have the story players really looking at the Sith's Sith?

Story player a disadvantage? Hardly likely.

The only point of light is the adjustments to the class system of SWTOR. With the legacy of the Sith, the players get the opportunity to customize the gameplay of their hero, regardless of the story. Source: Bioware I am a SWTOR veteran. I have been playing the SCIFI MMO for years next to World of Warcraft. Since the story of Wow steeply goes downhill, SWTOR turned to my small MMO refuge. Sure, with the epic saga of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic can not keep up the story of SWTOR. Nevertheless, I have a great fun to experience the many stories on the page of the Republic and the Empire. Yes, I'm still not complete with the Story of SWTOR! The class stories still have a high playback value. And best of all, these stories are free2play!

SWTOR Legacy of the Sith 7.0 Expansion! Honestly, I can not understand why you judge the MMOs today after game hours and not according to the quality of history. The same applies to the tiresome topic Gear. Players who play SWTOR as a singleplayer game complain that they must now master multiplayer gaming content to get high-scale items. Why you need high-stage Gear as a story player in SWTOR, I am a puzzle. A player has summarized the problem with high expectations of solo players in this post :

_ "Lets be honest, there What Pretty Much No Reason Doing Pve, Ops, Any Sort of Endgame, BECAUSE YOU Could Grind 306 ILVL Simply by Doing the solo / story with some HS spam. The Only Reason Were Achievements, And Good Feeling That You Cleared Some Nim, Defeated Stronk Boss,..._

Like Sorry, But Getting the Best Gear By Spamming One and The Same FP Over And Over Again, Its Something Absolutely Stupid. And i even fully geared one of my toons with only solo story and random wzs spam.

I HAVE Really Good Memories on Wotlk, Leveling My First LVL80, Farming Animal9 with One Endgame Currency, Then You Were ABLE TO JUMP TO HARDER CONTENT, AND IN THE END FARMING TIER 10 IN ICECROWN CITADEL.

If You Just Play This Game For The Story, Then Why do you care that you won't get Max. Ilvl When Simply Do not Need It. I Play This Game For The Story AS Well, BCause I Mostly Do not Have The Nerves For Some Tryharding Anymore, And I Hone's Do not Even Want To, But I Want Endgame Gearing System That Rewards You For Trying Harder Content, For Pushing You further. The Way I See It, I Will Have One Toon That ID Like To Try To Get Max Gear With, OR Close to Max Gear. Maybe Two, My Main, And Primary Old. Then I Will Make Milion Alts for The Story, And Low LVL PVP. But I Really Do not Get People Complaining About MMO, Trying to Be MMO. "

We got used to rushing through the game content that we forgot how much fun a classic role-playing game can make without Gear-Grind. And before I tackle for a fiftieth time for a piece of jewelry through a mythic-plus dungeon in Wow, I prefer to log in to SWTOR and start a new story chapter with a fresh hero. Unlike World of Warcraft, I was never bored in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

The new SWTOR enlargement Legacy of the Sith has disappointed many players. three hours story for heroes of the republic and the empire, that was too short for them. The community has expected more for the 10th anniversary of SWTOR. That because the frustration is big, is understandable. Nevertheless, many players forget that hunting on Darth Malgus and our adventure on ELOM only is the prelude for a story that the developers will continue to further chapter in the next few months.

Big problems and simple solutions

Another player recently released an exciting graphic with all Story chapters of SWTOR on Reddit. Almost every history of an extension consists of several parts that gradually published Bioware. This will certainly be no exception to the legacy of the Sith.

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I am not a big fan of waiting for weeks to wait for the next part of the story. But today we have to accept that this "salamitik" belongs to an MMO. However, the developers of SWTOR can defuse the developers by publishing a kind timetable for the upcoming patches. The team of The Elder Scrolls is going on online with a good example. If Booware Legacy of the Sith had announced as a year-round adventure from the beginning, the SWTOR community would not be so applied today.

The new UI is just the beginning

The simple class pictograms remind many players at icons from mobile games. Source: Bioware The criticism of the interface I find silly. Although the new icons with pictograms are getting used to, these optical adjustments are a matter of taste. Yes, I understand. We MMO veterans will all do not get younger and change. However, the new UI is not a reason to exploit the developers in the network Wüst. The new edition of the interface in the character creation is a true blessing. Thanks to new design, especially new players get all the important information at a glance, without being constantly confused or distracted or distracted by the Hangar's old-baked icons or background animations.

But even for this delicate problem with a new interface there is a simple solution. The developers of SWTOR could offer the players the option to switch to the old UI. The retro interface would definitely be worth a look for the new players.

Let's face it, the graphics of SWTOR came to the years. The MMO urgently needs a new paint. Sure, not every graphic adaptation comes well with the players. That was not different at Wow at that time. I'm sure the new user interface is just the beginning. The developers are planning a larger graphical update for the future. For this, the new high-resolution hairstyles that we are already allowed to miss our heroes today. Maybe we will soon look forward to new character models. The Jedi Tau Idair and Arn Peralun could serve as a template to the team of SWTOR.

Important is how it goes on?

Every update needs its time. Bioware announced last year that some intermediate sequences and areas in SWTOR will soon get a graphic fresh cell cure. The team of Star Wars: The Old Republic is even enlarged. However, such changes did not happen overnight. To work new teams is a true challenge, above all in these difficult times of pandemic.

I have no problems with waiting for the next story chapter. In SWTOR, there is still a lot to do for me. The moderate game speed is even refreshing. The return to more multiplayer game content is a real chance for the community of SWTOR. Players who attach great importance to good equipment will join new groups in the future and revive the social game. One should not generally reject something new in the game, especially if the new is still fresh. I'm curious how Star Wars: The Old Republic will evolve in the next few months and what solutions will present the developers for the problems. You will find a middle ground, which will satisfy the bulk of the SWTOR community. Whether the SWTOR makers get enough support from EA is on another leaf.

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