3.5 million new players came to Dayz this year

From the hero to zero, from zero to the hero — this look like this (let) the existing story of Day.

The game started in 2013 and immediately reached gigantic popularity. It was one of the first survival-mmo games on the market, so people were very interesting to the final effect.

Unfortunately, Bohemia Interactive has become a hostage of its own success. Game updates (with the promised content) have appeared baaaaaAardzo rarely, and the prolonged Early Access caused irritation, rage until finally hitch towards Day. There was a time when Day became the lam elide of the entire Internet, where we're seriously wondering about the future of the game.

The 12,000 HOUR DUO Who Waged WAR! - DayZ

Then, however, people from Bohemia Interactive took hard to do. Updates strongly accelerated, communication with fans improved, and the game itself has been the official premiere. From that moment, Day became better and more and more popular.

Effect? The year 2021 turned out to be recorded at several respects. Over 3.5 million copies were sold, and the game twice — once in January, once in November this year. — BIA records at the same time logged in to steam.

Details here.

Will the Trend stay in the next year? We'll see.
